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number eighteen: sabbath day worship

Originally posted on 30 January 2017.

A big focus in the church I attend has been towards honoring the Sabbath day. Better yet, making it a delight! As a kid, Sundays looked more like watching The Sound of Music with my sister, while my parents slept. While we did enjoy it, our selection was not out of interest for the movie as much as its length. Each week we were allowed to watch one movie before we had to have a nap. At 174 minutes, it was the longest running movie we owned. So for our first official blog on The Nike List we have number eighteen... Sabbath Day Worship.

As I’ve learned more about my spiritual needs I’ve felt a greater pull towards improving my day of rest. I know for some its a crazy different concept. Sometimes I’ve allowed myself to feel under dealt because I get done in 6 days what everyone else has 7 days to do. The scriptures tell us:

“For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.”

Exodus 20:11.

If Heavenly Father can get His work done and take some time to rest, then why shouldn’t I? Really it is a blessing and a miracle. I don’t exercise on Sunday. I don’t shop on Sunday. I don’t work on Sunday. In my five and a half years of university, I’ve never studied on a Sunday. I planned my time and workload around the Sabbath and was always able to finish assignments in time and at an excellent standard. Living this teaching gave me a day of rest for mind and body.

Don’t get me wrong. Some Sundays are hard. Some Sunday’s I want to be organising errands. I’m still learning what I can and find joy in doing things to really uplift, inspire and recharge me for the coming week.

I suppose the biggest challenge has been not to sleep the Sabbath away. However, I have managed to stumbled upon a gem from Spencer W. Kimball, one of the modern day prophets:

“The Sabbath calls for constructive thoughts and acts, and if one merely lounges about doing nothing on the Sabbath, he is breaking it. To observe it, one will be on his knees in prayer, preparing lessons, studying the gospel, meditating, visiting the ill and distressed, writing letters to missionaries, taking a nap, reading wholesome material, and attending all the meetings of that day at which he is expected.”  

It is becoming a day of pondering, resting when I need it, and constructive acts. My most recent of constructive acts has been with my new calling as a primary teacher and Faith in God leader. It comes with new learning experiences and a huge desire to serve with love. So much prep and organisation… and anyone that knows me, knows how I love organisation!

Another one of my efforts in making the Sabbath a delight is to unplug from social media. A few years ago I decided the distraction of Facebook was clouding my day of resting, but somehow I’ve slowly let it creep back in… and with added social media that I didn’t use before, somehow it seems harder. BUT, I am determined to #justdoit. I know that the sacrifice will bring greater happiness and a clearer mind.

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