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where in the world was emily smith?

A few weeks ago, I put up a post saying that I needed some down time from social media and pretty much said, "See you in a week." A week turned into another week, which turned into another week and my online presence stayed fairly quiet. Where did I go and what did I do?

I didn't go anywhere and I just did life.

That day I last posted, I was at the height of feeling anxiety, stress and a mass of mental overload. I was exhausted and regardless of how many things I got done on my to-do list, I still felt overwhelmed. Despite the small moments of quiet respite time, I never felt rested. All the areas of life that demanded my attention and action felt relentless and I couldn't find any breathing space... and the first thing I felt inspired to do, was to get away from social media.

I just LOVE social media. I love being able to share happy moments, share my message and follow along with the lives of my friends and family.

But, I've also noticed how it also has the tendency to demand my time. I'm talking serious FOMO.

And not just the general, I'll miss a cool announcement or sale or something, but resources or ideas for work. I was constantly feeling that I needed to be online because finding some cool video or stimulus could save me some time and work down the track. Totally awesome, but the trade off appeared to be a massive drain on my time and brain space right now.

It was time to step away, and it was beautiful!

Admittedly, the first few days I noticed the pockets of time not being filled online, but instantly I noticed the extra space in my mind. What a relief! And on the FOMO front, I found that, once you're out of the loop, its much easier to be okay with being out of the loop. Pairing that with an affirmation of trusting that the universe will bring me everything I need when I need it, had me ready set to stick to another week and a half in a state of minimal presence online.

If you are in a struggle state of any kind. Emotional. Mental. Self Worth. I cannot stress to you how important it is to stay away from social media. Very little good comes of continuous and aimless scrolling. Put the screen away and live in the real world for a while. You'll be surprised by how rewarding it is.

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