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  • Writer's picturethe nike life

the nike life is born

The day has arrived and all is ready to be revealed!

I want to thank you for sticking with me on the journey so far. Things from here on out are only going to be more exciting, different, the same, and challenging. So let's get down to business.

What's changed?

We have a totally new look and name! My jam is not in design and so as the blog has grown I've continued to shape and change the feel and aesthetic of the blog. So thanks to the grand hibernation period, I am pleased to introduce to you the latest look. All our old posts have conveniently been (although time consuming) transferred over into the new website domain.

So, pretty obvious tweaking of the blog name, but why?

The nike list has spent the last year growing and as I watch, it evolved to the nike life. The list still exists, and always will, but during that first year I saw how my mindset changed from ticking things off a list, to establishing and maintaining my dream of a lifestyle, and I was feeling that the blog needed to start reflecting the complete experience.

So what exactly does this mean for the blog?

I will still be sharing updates on selected nike list adventures. We'll even be kicking off this month with a series of 'Throwback Thursday' posts from things done last year that didn't quite make it to the public world.

Wait, but that's not all.

I'll be keeping the Facebook page up and running. I created it as an avenue for genuine followers to keep up to date, and so I could keep my personal account less bombarded with blog posts.

I promised new and exciting things and they include an expansion on the blog. The nike life will now be on instagram. This social media platform is where I'm most active, so if you're on instagram definitely hit follow on the nike list.

We're also expanding in the content we share!

At the start of the year I began to feel like there was more I could be doing with the blog. That it had greater potential for growth... and after a little pondering it was decided that we would start sharing beyond list adventures.

There is so much 'life' stuff that influences the list, but never gets the spot light, so as of today you'll be getting info about all the behind the scenes action on the nike life, my favourites, recipes, cleaning tips, movie and books recommendations and even more! One of the things that I'm most keen about the expansion is building up a cute little community where we can all share together, so be sure that I too will be asking for tips and recommendations from you too!

So this expanded content will be spread out in both written blogs as well as through instastories via instagram. I'm a bit nervous about putting my talking face out there, but I'm finding it to be a blogging norm as well as a time hack when you're versing it against punching out a few hundred words for people to read.

More fabulous changes will be announced throughout the year, but for now share with your friends, get following on instagram and enjoy the ride!

I share what I do to be a bit of positivity in my sphere of influence. I'm not sponsored and I'm not trying to sell anything. So if there's somebody in your world that you think would be uplifted or interested in following along, please feel free to share my page.

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