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the proposal-versary

Exactly four years ago, a guy got down on one knee, fumbled a ring out of his pocket and asked a girl to marry him. That guy was Josh, and I obviously said yes. At that moment, the fourth of July became a day that I would always remember, and in celebration of the memory, today I am sharing four fun facts about the two of us!

Fun fact number one: The cute couple wrestle moment is not something we do.

I love little playful moments with a bit of a tickle or a wrestle to assert my (little existing) strength, but I learned pretty early that it is not safe for us to do so. Josh’s childhood was filled with plenty of brother rough housing and as a result he has the craziest ninja reflexes. One time I tried to go in for a hug behind him, and he ended up elbowing me in the eye. Yeah. Ha. Last time I ever went in for the surprise hug.

Fun fact number two: Sometimes we go to bed angry.

One of the frequent pieces of advice we got leading up to marriage was to NEVER go to bed angry. Well I’m calling baloney. Plenty of times we stayed up wasting energy over disagreements that needed breathing space and were quickly resolved after a refreshing sleep. Our general rule of thumb now is to make sure the issue has been made obvious and then assess if we seem to be getting anywhere productive and if not, then table it for the morning.

Fun fact number three: The first paid date we had after marriage was our first anniversary.

In that first year we were both uni students, figuring out our budget, saving, and living on Centrelink. We were pretty big sticklers for doing the money free date. The only time we ever paid for dinners or movies were when we were invited out by others. We got pretty fond of the home made picnic dinner date, but seeing as we were hitting the first anniversary, we decided to splurge and pay for dinner at an all you can eat buffet.

Fun fact number four: We frequently tell each other what we like about one another.

This is partly because I like to hear different reasons, and in dead conversation moments continually ask, “Why did you choose me?” Which always ranges from sweet to funny answers like, “Because you’re nice and have brown hair.” Um, okay, ha. But it’s also because every week we check in and have a chat on Sunday nights about what each other has done during the week. It’s pretty much a time for us to encourage and acknowledge one another, a figurative pat on the back, if you will.

So there you go. Four years, four fun facts and much more exciting things planned for the future. I’ve been working on a pretty massive project for the last few years – yes on and off – and I’m really thinking that I want to start to get accountable in making sure it gets finished. So. Here’s me being accountable. On the 29th of November I will share not only what this big exciting project is, but I’ll let you in on the actual project itself. For those romantics out there, it is one you don't want to miss.

Set your Calendars! I’m excited.

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